Office of Student Life

Ohio State encourages community to share Buckeye Love through acts of kindness

January 27, 2023

Written by Olivia Benvenuto '23

The small things in life make a big difference, and so do the unexpected things. Combine the two and add kindness into the mix; you'll make someone's day. Whether you are receiving or executing the act, science shows you will benefit from a random act of kindness.  

Performing random acts of kindness is a fantastic way to reach your daily serotonin boost. According to Tayla Steinberg, Psy.D., from Psychology Today, kindness increases the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood in the brain.  

The act can be as simple as telling someone you are proud of them or calling a friend you have not spoken to in a while. You never know how much someone needs kindness in their life. You could make a significant difference in their day or even their week. It all starts with just one random act of kindness.  

Throughout February, Ohio State is encouraging kindness through Buckeye Love. Random Acts of Kindness week at Ohio State is Feb. 12-18, and National Random Acts of Kindness Day falls on Friday, Feb. 17.  

Ohio State will perform random acts of kindness to students, faculty and staff through events on campus. Many will involve surprising people with treats and expressions of gratitude. There will also be signs with uplifting messages featuring compliments, encouragement and ideas for sharing kindness across campus.

Buckeye Love isn’t limited to February. “Growing Kindness” was a large part of the campaign in 2022 and will also be part of the 2023 campaign. The university will again distribute succulents to students to promote mental health. The goal is for students to give away their succulents as a random act of kindness. Student Life also regularly hosts food packing events with thousands of meals distributed to food insecure areas of Ohio.   

Looking for a simple way to spread kindness? If you have someone in mind that you want to acknowledge, head over to and give kudos to that person. It is an effortless way to show someone they are appreciated.   

Findings from the Journal of Experimental Psychology revealed that people underestimate how much the recipient will appreciate a random act of kindness. Don’t let the unknown keep you from being kind; they will cherish the moment more than you think.  

Whether you plan to participate in kindness events on campus or perform acts on your own, you will be sure to get a serotonin boost and make someone's day.